Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Tell Nestea to Stop Abusing Animals
Tell Nestea to Stop Abusing Animals: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Letters to Bev...
Hi Bev,
You are such a wonderful writer. I was just telling Levi how I always love reading your words. I hope you write your own novel soon.
I think you might like The Great House too. I enjoyed it so much more then The History of Love. There was actually a few lines that brought me to tears. I plan to write Ms. Krauss and let her know how moved I was by this novel. I would read this one first. I'm on her first novel now, Man Walks Into a Room. It is difficult to get into. I'll put the three you mentioned on my list. It is really good to have someone to discuss writing with. Levi has all these wonderful books and doesn't read them.
The picture you like is of Sweetpotatoe and Charlotte. Sweetpotatoe is the dog. I found him and his sister near Warren Wilson farm. They were puppies and someone had probably tossed them. We couldn't find who had them and so they stayed with us. We still have them 6 years later. Most recently I was temporarily fostering another brother and sister saved from the Greenville Animal Shelter. Their rescue fell through and they have stayed with us too. That is Eddie and Evie. We still have Beau who I know you met. A big black Shepherd who is now 15. And then Gracie who was dropped off here by a young women crying because her father was going to kill Gracie because she was a Pit Bull. She was only 3 months old. Hmmm... there is Rosie who is 10, a shepherd/collie and Goosie 10 also who is a chow/pit bull. I think that is 8. In between we've had also sorts of foster dogs and puppies. We have two cats now, Malcolm who has three legs and Jack. They are both 10 years old too.
I'm so sorry about Luke. I know how much you love him. We bury our beloved fury children in our hearts. They do not stray far.. in this life or the next.
The biopsy is a new thing. Just happened last week. This is the best information about it. http://www.breastcancer. org/symptoms/types/rare_idc/ papillary.jsp . The report should be back on Monday. The surgery was this past Tuesday. It was more then I anticipated. My doctor is wonderful. I feel all will be well. I have had some moments of panic.
I think going to school full time, working full time, driving to Hickory twice a week and working in the crazy job I have now has taken a toll. Good news, I just got my LCAS!!!! It is number 1969. I hope to apply to Western Highlands and get away from public agency counseling. I love the clients but the agency I work with RHA, is all about productivity and we are hounded. Lost 24 employees since they took over in July of 2011. Our director of five years just resigned himself last week. Totally nutty system now.
I will let you know as soon as I get the biopsy report. Three papillomas were removed. Leah has been wonderful. I like the narcotics they gave me. :)
I'm also looking for a spiritual path. You know who I feel about AA. I'm not much better with organized religion. I think the earth, animal life, planets are it for me. But I do get lonely.
I love you Bev,
Talk with you soon.
Pam - Biopsy, what biopsy? !!! Please let me know what it was and that you're OK!Your words are always soothing and restorative. The mention of The History of Love is so timely. I bought it as a Christmas gift for Janie 4 or 5 years ago, then borrowed it back after she read it, but it's been sitting on my bookshelf ever since. When I was upstairs a couple of days ago, it caught my eye and I thought that I needed to pull it out and read it. So, I will.Am still in a book club, the best way for me to keep reading. One of my favorites this year has been The Art of Racing in the Rain, told from the viewpoint of a dog and SO full of wisdom about living. Our next book is The Elegance of the Hedgehog, which has reportedly been recommended by many psychotherapists for their patients as the most appropriate "Rx.", so I'm anxious to start that. The other one from this year that I thought was really great was Out Stealing Horses, ironically the one we discussed the day prior to that mass shooting in Norway last summer, which is where the story takes place.I've had some health challenges, too, and know how tied psyche and soma are. Right foot, right hand -- my therapist tells me that the right side is all about fathers/the males in our lives. I've had a sense of stagnating for a good while but feel like I'm slowly pulling out of it now, thanks to wonderful therapists. I've had a few painting courses over the last couple of years, and though it's like pulling teeth to make the time for it, I think that helps, too - it's truly transporting for me.This morning I listened to the wonderful NPR segment "On Being" which comes on Sunday mornings at 7 AM and which I've decided is one of the best places for me to nurture/reawaken a strong sense of spirituality. This morning was "The Inner Landscape of Beauty" (link below), which does, in passing, said stress comes from being victimized by time. Another part of it was that we hold onto what makes us miserable, and that sure gave me pause. The main focus, though, was on beauty and how we desperately need that to nurture our interior self if we hope to nurture/transform our outer world. Sounds "lofty", but is really just something basic that I've needed. AA ceased to be a means of growth for me long ago, and have had trouble finding another way to the 'source'. Made a renewed effort to find a church lately, tried Unitarian, but I just can't get back to that, somehow.I enjoyed the pictures you attached, especially the one of the kitty cat asleep lying on top of the dog who was also asleep. I had to put my cat Luke to sleep week before last, which broke my heart. Luke had always hopped up on my bed early morning as I slept on my side to curl up on top of my other side just like the cat in the picture. And was good to see Leah, too.(http://being.publicradio.org/) is the link to "The Inner Landscape of Beauty" broadcast this morning.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
It was a good thing this morning that two assessments cancelled. Allison was incredibly helpful to suggest that Andy take my afternoon assessment. The largeness of the past two days caught up with me. I felt exhausted and wanted the safety of the dogs and bed. Amazingly I was able to stop at Leah's and take Dale and Dixie out for a quick pee before work. It only took 10 minutes. It should be very doable and a way to help decrease the stress on her a bit. I want to sleep until the results come back for the biopsy. I've been eating instead. This came across my email today from the NC Voters for Animal Welfare.
Looks very excellent and worth keeping up with.
I want to keep my entries short.
Looks very excellent and worth keeping up with.
I want to keep my entries short.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My most favorite director in the entire universe turn in his resignation today. I'm sick about it but so happy for him. This is on the tail of my surgery yesterday to remove three papillary lesions on my right breast.
Leah was with me the whole time. She is wonderful. I love my daughter so.
I want to:
leave early enough in the morning to stop by her place and walk Dale and Dixie.
I want to take Pep to work on Sunday mornings to be up early enough to check for chicken being on sale...organic chicken that I can honor and love before I feed to the dogs.
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