Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saving Grace...
I've been so busy... unable to sleep well. Gracie's spinal disease causing her pain when she has a itch to scratch. When she scratches she moans. Watched "Winter Bones" with the clients. Excellent film.
Tried to calk the tile around the bathroom shower in Levi's bathroom. Saw Michael yesterday. He is alive and kicking. Feels he had left this culture when he returned from Southeast Asia in 1971. Levi said I had my head up my ass this afternoon. Not sure what is meant by that but too tired to ask.
This is a beautiful picture of a wonderful horse who died last year. This child is really an Angel.
Tried to calk the tile around the bathroom shower in Levi's bathroom. Saw Michael yesterday. He is alive and kicking. Feels he had left this culture when he returned from Southeast Asia in 1971. Levi said I had my head up my ass this afternoon. Not sure what is meant by that but too tired to ask.
This is a beautiful picture of a wonderful horse who died last year. This child is really an Angel.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Vote Walter Smith
Vote Walter Smith
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Gracie enjoys being outside in the cool weather. She is laying in the sun. Her gait is choppy. Short steps in the front, uneven long steps in the back. The message to synchronize is garbled between the neurons traveling to her brain from her spinal cord and messages her legs receive in return. Same with urinating. She squats sometimes indiscriminately. However have noticed this is not as bad since she has been on the antibiotics. I'm wondering if she had a urinary infection and this has nothing to do with the spinal cord. Started her on the Skullcap and St. John's Wort that Leah bought. Checking with the vet to make sure that they are not contraindicated with the Neurontin. Paws crossed.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Gracie seems to be feeling better today. I did not give her the steroid and will stop it. She hasn't been urinating as frequently...knock on wood. I emailed Kristi and received this wonderful reply:
I am so sorry to hear about Gracie, your sweet pit bull terrier. I cannot say for certain that a raw diet will "cure" Gracie, but it will certainly make her feel better and make her healthier. The best way to judge how much to feed is to multiple her weight by 2% and that's the daily amount to feed her. So at 71 lbs., she would eat approx. 1.4 lbs. of food per day (approx. 11 ounces in morning and 11 ounces in evening).
Feeding raw is not as expensive as it sounds ... especially if you make the food yourself. And if you're already cooking their food, then it's really not more expensive to feed raw. I'm attaching a pricing list for some of my products ... of course the "complete" diet is the most expensive, but you could easily get the meat "grinds" and then add your own ingredients. For instance, my chicken grind is only $2.00 per pound so if you make your own food, it would cost about $2.00 a day to feed Gracie. You can also check other natural food stores and good quality pet stores to find inexpensive meat grinds.
Things I would definitely avoid are vaccinations and chemicals (topical flea treatments, prednisone or other steroids) of any kind. Myelopathy is an autoimmune disease so vaccinations would exacerbate the immune system. Also, keeping her stress level low would help a lot, as stress also wreaks havoc on the immune system.
Let me know if I can answer any other questions. I will be giving a workshop on how to make your own raw food in October if you're interested.
Kristi King
I'm trying to live totally in the moment with everything. Each day is the only day. Each moment the only moment.
I also just wrote the following for another blog response regarding the LME's current projected short fall of 3 million dollars...
I don't know Jimmy... I think that may have been the case but I'm seeing now, one or two agencies we both are familiar with are "stacking services". For example, SAOP, Basic Benefit client (substance abuse out-patient client)...attending group therapy and individual therapy can also attend a mental health group, let's say "anger management" and be authorized for it. In addition they can also receive CST and med. management at the same time. So we have conceivably, 1.SAOP group ($19.00 per event) 2.Individual therapy (56.00 per event, not really sure about the reimbursement rate) 3. Med management (not sure what this is billed but they do see the NP once a month ),CST (not sure what that is billed per event but it is enhanced service) and anger management group (19.00 per event). Now...they can only come to one of those group events (Anger Management or SAOP twice a week. The agency doesn't make a lot of money off the basic benefit group, only 39.00 a week per client, not counting the individual sessions which they can have 2 a month. Let's say with one client, the agency can be reimbursed 116.00 for individuals, 39.00 per group x 2 times a week = 78.00 per week = 312.00 x 15 clients = 4,680 a month + whatever charge to see the NP once a month and what ever can be billed for CST services. What I'm seeing is a move to push a lot of smaller private practices out of the picture. One of the down sides of being CARF agency who receives money from the LME is that they also are expected to provide 24/7 crises management (remember too that many of the chronically mentally ill clients, high acuity and case management needs will be referred to you by the LME. You become their provider home and responsible for the majority of their care). This is one reason many smaller agencies have chosen not to become involved with the LME. Now…there is also the enhanced service, Intensive Outpatient Clients...the reimbursement rate for them is about 140.00 per event. This includes individual therapy, case management, and crises management. They too can see the NP but not receive CST. If there are 12 attending an IOP group (enhanced benefit) that is 3 groups a week (3 events-140.00 per event x 3 events per week = 420.00 x 12 clients = 5,040.00 per week x 4 weeks = 20,160.00. That is if everyone shows. To make sure you actually schedule so that you earn about that amount consistently you keep your group size at about 16 people. Add NP visits at one a month but not CST. I didn't include the amount of money earned from substance and mental health assessments which runs about (100.00 to 120.00 per event). My math might be off. It is 4:30 AM. The positive thing about being involved with the LME is the referral piece and the given reimbursement (if your agency is billing correctly). The agencies we are familiar with have at least two on going IOP groups and about 6 SA Basic Benefit groups. They recently have added an assortment of mental health groups like anger management, seeking safety, etc which do not seem to be getting off the ground but their substance abuse groups are soaring. In the last year since they took over one agency , they've cut their staff from 13 SA counselors to 2 and recently added a third. They have always had 4 mental heath counselors who have carried huge client loads and now they have cut that to 3 counselors. I know of three other big agencies in town who work with WHN and see smaller agencies being totally pushed out of the picture when it comes to IPRS and Medicaid monies. For what it is worth, I'm currently stressed out because I was facilitating two IOP groups and one BB group. I received an email from one manager who copied four other managers about a client that I had not "reached out" to in January. A client who I had no idea had been referred to me because of the clogged pipeline at the agency and the massive turnover they have had in both administrative support staff and clinicians. I believe I was making money for the agency. Which is good since four managers in the one agency including the regional vice president had to be informed of one error. None of the managers are responsible for any direct client care.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
It looks as if Gracie has degenerative myelopathy. This isn't good. She has become incontinent recently and it has come on quickly. Her back legs are wobbly and she takes quick fast steps with her front. Dr. Meyer at Haw Creek and the neurologist from Upstate Veterinarian Care have ordered steroids. Gracie doesn't do well on steroids. She drinks a lot and pees a lot. Her activity level has also decreased significantly in the last few weeks. Today I will look for Yucca tincture (anti inflammatory) and Arnica for anti-inflammatory as well as pain. We will not proceed with an MRI. It is 1400.00 and will only say if she has DM or degenerative disc. I have looked into wheelchairs and will try to get the money together for one. It looks like Eddie makes one for both front and rear mobility. http://eddieswheels.com/ and is familiar with DM. I've also researched a raw diet for Gracie as this is recommended. This is so heartbreaking. The reality of it hit last night and I called Leah and wept.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Staff Directory
Staff Directory: Community Policy Management Justice System DWI Suite 628 Raleigh NC
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Another BSL MURDER! Montreal under fire for WICCA'S death! Please send an email to the Mayor.. | Let's turn Facebook Orange for Animal Cruelty Awareness. | causes.com
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Charlie to the Rescue Crossposts! / please share this!
Charlie to the Rescue Crossposts! / please share this!
Animals taken from craigs list used as target practice...please share!
Animals taken from craigs list used as target practice...please share!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
February 2005
February 2005
Behind the Buggy: A look into the AMISH DOG INDUSTRY
Behind the Buggy: A look into the AMISH DOG INDUSTRY
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
I was honored to help him get from McDowell Country to MN today on my leg from Asheville to Newport. He is one of May's dogs...Fletcher is Boxer/Mastiff. He is going to his furever home in MN. I think five other Boxers will be joining him tomorrow on their way to MN. Wow... I love transporting!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Molly dog
She was laying on the interstate, the left-outer lane
her little greyhound body had almost made it
Second nature now for me to stop
Animals seen as children, shape shifting medicine women
where God hides out inside their soft eyes.
They can't be left In the highway
Pulling Her aged orange collar
dragging her quietly from the engine loud indifference
of intruders into Her sweet life
Breaths as She gazes secretly into soul
Asking shyly, what do you know of these things?
Confessed between tears
it is an evolution of hominids
with opposable thumbs and sleeping blood lust
that run over things
then rush away
And there it is
the Whole
skin ripped, muscle gone, ribs searching innocently at the sky
seen within my grief Molly’s red -bleeding
ferocious whipping heart
how do close the gap to slip my hand gently into her body
cupping it to silence
ending the suffering, not of pain
but of human blindness
Why doesn't anyone stop to help?
surely they can see this silvered haired women and a dying pup
Sorry, sorry...so sorry friend girl
Angels are here
as she listens to our whispers, promises made to find Her people
Kissing her snout we wait upon her last breath
the trees call and say they will keep guard
until her beloved is found
who now weeps with me on
the other line made with opposable thumbs
Together we share a sudden deep grief
strangers holding sorrow
jumping from flaming towers
for her sweet Molly dog
the circle now complete
She was laying on the interstate, the left-outer lane
her little greyhound body had almost made it
Second nature now for me to stop
Animals seen as children, shape shifting medicine women
where God hides out inside their soft eyes.
They can't be left In the highway
Pulling Her aged orange collar
dragging her quietly from the engine loud indifference
of intruders into Her sweet life
Breaths as She gazes secretly into soul
Asking shyly, what do you know of these things?
Confessed between tears
it is an evolution of hominids
with opposable thumbs and sleeping blood lust
that run over things
then rush away
And there it is
the Whole
skin ripped, muscle gone, ribs searching innocently at the sky
seen within my grief Molly’s red -bleeding
ferocious whipping heart
how do close the gap to slip my hand gently into her body
cupping it to silence
ending the suffering, not of pain
but of human blindness
Why doesn't anyone stop to help?
surely they can see this silvered haired women and a dying pup
Sorry, sorry...so sorry friend girl
Angels are here
as she listens to our whispers, promises made to find Her people
Kissing her snout we wait upon her last breath
the trees call and say they will keep guard
until her beloved is found
who now weeps with me on
the other line made with opposable thumbs
Together we share a sudden deep grief
strangers holding sorrow
jumping from flaming towers
for her sweet Molly dog
the circle now complete
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
This is beautiful Inky who I helped transport from Winston Salem NC to Michigan... Isn't she beautiful. This happened yesterday during a bit of a snow storm on the NC/TN border. We also had Bandit with us... a little hound dog, treeing hound dog... Pictures soon... I hope. God Bless all that helped thee beautiful puppy souls get to Michigan and safe harbor.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Tell Nestea to Stop Abusing Animals
Tell Nestea to Stop Abusing Animals: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Letters to Bev...
Hi Bev,
You are such a wonderful writer. I was just telling Levi how I always love reading your words. I hope you write your own novel soon.
I think you might like The Great House too. I enjoyed it so much more then The History of Love. There was actually a few lines that brought me to tears. I plan to write Ms. Krauss and let her know how moved I was by this novel. I would read this one first. I'm on her first novel now, Man Walks Into a Room. It is difficult to get into. I'll put the three you mentioned on my list. It is really good to have someone to discuss writing with. Levi has all these wonderful books and doesn't read them.
The picture you like is of Sweetpotatoe and Charlotte. Sweetpotatoe is the dog. I found him and his sister near Warren Wilson farm. They were puppies and someone had probably tossed them. We couldn't find who had them and so they stayed with us. We still have them 6 years later. Most recently I was temporarily fostering another brother and sister saved from the Greenville Animal Shelter. Their rescue fell through and they have stayed with us too. That is Eddie and Evie. We still have Beau who I know you met. A big black Shepherd who is now 15. And then Gracie who was dropped off here by a young women crying because her father was going to kill Gracie because she was a Pit Bull. She was only 3 months old. Hmmm... there is Rosie who is 10, a shepherd/collie and Goosie 10 also who is a chow/pit bull. I think that is 8. In between we've had also sorts of foster dogs and puppies. We have two cats now, Malcolm who has three legs and Jack. They are both 10 years old too.
I'm so sorry about Luke. I know how much you love him. We bury our beloved fury children in our hearts. They do not stray far.. in this life or the next.
The biopsy is a new thing. Just happened last week. This is the best information about it. http://www.breastcancer. org/symptoms/types/rare_idc/ papillary.jsp . The report should be back on Monday. The surgery was this past Tuesday. It was more then I anticipated. My doctor is wonderful. I feel all will be well. I have had some moments of panic.
I think going to school full time, working full time, driving to Hickory twice a week and working in the crazy job I have now has taken a toll. Good news, I just got my LCAS!!!! It is number 1969. I hope to apply to Western Highlands and get away from public agency counseling. I love the clients but the agency I work with RHA, is all about productivity and we are hounded. Lost 24 employees since they took over in July of 2011. Our director of five years just resigned himself last week. Totally nutty system now.
I will let you know as soon as I get the biopsy report. Three papillomas were removed. Leah has been wonderful. I like the narcotics they gave me. :)
I'm also looking for a spiritual path. You know who I feel about AA. I'm not much better with organized religion. I think the earth, animal life, planets are it for me. But I do get lonely.
I love you Bev,
Talk with you soon.
Pam - Biopsy, what biopsy? !!! Please let me know what it was and that you're OK!Your words are always soothing and restorative. The mention of The History of Love is so timely. I bought it as a Christmas gift for Janie 4 or 5 years ago, then borrowed it back after she read it, but it's been sitting on my bookshelf ever since. When I was upstairs a couple of days ago, it caught my eye and I thought that I needed to pull it out and read it. So, I will.Am still in a book club, the best way for me to keep reading. One of my favorites this year has been The Art of Racing in the Rain, told from the viewpoint of a dog and SO full of wisdom about living. Our next book is The Elegance of the Hedgehog, which has reportedly been recommended by many psychotherapists for their patients as the most appropriate "Rx.", so I'm anxious to start that. The other one from this year that I thought was really great was Out Stealing Horses, ironically the one we discussed the day prior to that mass shooting in Norway last summer, which is where the story takes place.I've had some health challenges, too, and know how tied psyche and soma are. Right foot, right hand -- my therapist tells me that the right side is all about fathers/the males in our lives. I've had a sense of stagnating for a good while but feel like I'm slowly pulling out of it now, thanks to wonderful therapists. I've had a few painting courses over the last couple of years, and though it's like pulling teeth to make the time for it, I think that helps, too - it's truly transporting for me.This morning I listened to the wonderful NPR segment "On Being" which comes on Sunday mornings at 7 AM and which I've decided is one of the best places for me to nurture/reawaken a strong sense of spirituality. This morning was "The Inner Landscape of Beauty" (link below), which does, in passing, said stress comes from being victimized by time. Another part of it was that we hold onto what makes us miserable, and that sure gave me pause. The main focus, though, was on beauty and how we desperately need that to nurture our interior self if we hope to nurture/transform our outer world. Sounds "lofty", but is really just something basic that I've needed. AA ceased to be a means of growth for me long ago, and have had trouble finding another way to the 'source'. Made a renewed effort to find a church lately, tried Unitarian, but I just can't get back to that, somehow.I enjoyed the pictures you attached, especially the one of the kitty cat asleep lying on top of the dog who was also asleep. I had to put my cat Luke to sleep week before last, which broke my heart. Luke had always hopped up on my bed early morning as I slept on my side to curl up on top of my other side just like the cat in the picture. And was good to see Leah, too.(http://being.publicradio.org/) is the link to "The Inner Landscape of Beauty" broadcast this morning.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
It was a good thing this morning that two assessments cancelled. Allison was incredibly helpful to suggest that Andy take my afternoon assessment. The largeness of the past two days caught up with me. I felt exhausted and wanted the safety of the dogs and bed. Amazingly I was able to stop at Leah's and take Dale and Dixie out for a quick pee before work. It only took 10 minutes. It should be very doable and a way to help decrease the stress on her a bit. I want to sleep until the results come back for the biopsy. I've been eating instead. This came across my email today from the NC Voters for Animal Welfare.
Looks very excellent and worth keeping up with.
I want to keep my entries short.
Looks very excellent and worth keeping up with.
I want to keep my entries short.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My most favorite director in the entire universe turn in his resignation today. I'm sick about it but so happy for him. This is on the tail of my surgery yesterday to remove three papillary lesions on my right breast.
Leah was with me the whole time. She is wonderful. I love my daughter so.
I want to:
leave early enough in the morning to stop by her place and walk Dale and Dixie.
I want to take Pep to work on Sunday mornings to be up early enough to check for chicken being on sale...organic chicken that I can honor and love before I feed to the dogs.
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EXTINCTION DAY PROTEST https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/17/world/europe/climate-change-protests-london.html

http://www.motherjones.com/author/ashley-dejean/ Books to read!
Novartis temporarily suspends production of Interceptor, Sentinel - VIN