Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Humane Society continues to urge lawmakers to drop King amendment from farm bill | AgriPulse

Humane Society continues to urge lawmakers to drop King amendment from farm bill | AgriPulse

1 comment:

  1. This Bill is horrible !! It sets animal welfare, and any rights they have, back 60 years in time. What scares me even more is that the lawmakers are not even discussing it like they should. They are busy trying to repeal healthcare for the 41st time.
    I URGE everyone who reads this to make a call and send an email - to your state lawmakers and your Senators. Let them know this is NOT OK and you will v ote against them if they support this farm bull with the King Amendment attached. This may be the most important time for you to speak out in your lifetime. Please, be their voice !
