Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Could PETA's Prank Lead to a Naked Oprah Ad?

Could PETA's Prank Lead to a Naked Oprah Ad?: 'YOU get a naked ad, YOU get a naked ad, EVERYBODY gets a naked ad!' It's Oprah like you've never seen her before.

Crating Dogs

Crating Dogs: No matter what a pet shop owner or dog trainer might say, a crate is just a cage.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Please read and share!!!

Found another wonderful organization devoted to saving animals and stopping the horrible dog meat trade .. one of the most vile, depraved, demonic practices of humans beings. Torturing dogs for days before killing them so their meat will taste good.

EXTINCTION DAY PROTEST https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/17/world/europe/climate-change-protests-london.html